Thursday, September 08, 2005

When two act up, one has to take the high road...

We sit down to the table for supper - Dean Martin playing, candles burning. Suddenly, Liam and Maddie are whining in harmony about dinner. "I don't like this kind of chicken." "The potatoes are too salty." (which they were - oops) "The skin on the chicken is too crispy." "I don't want to eat this." "I only like one thing you made."

I look over at Isabella and she is happily eating amidst the chaos. Suddenly, all is quiet for a moment. Isabella looks up expectantly. "Sooooo....who made the carrots?" I look at her and say, "I did." She leans over and hugs me and makes that face where she squishes her face up. "Thanks, mama!"

We are carpooling with Daniel, a 2nd grader in Liam's class. The kids went over to his house to play after school. Johnny is reading Liam "The Hobbit" at bedtime and he loves it. We are all excited for the first soccer games on Saturday.

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