Thursday, November 16, 2006

Monday, November 13, 2006

Go Balls Deep!

So, we're waiting in the urologists' office. John's pretty ready to get the whole thing over with... or bail out, whichever. A woman was waiting with her baby, a month or so younger than Jackson and a 3 year old daughter. She eludes to the fact that her husband is getting a vasectomy as we speak.

John's appointment was for 1:40. Just after 2, the woman's husband comes out to the waiting room. She's asking him how he is and it's all very strange. He's acting kinda angry and not-quite-right. After a bit of drama, he announces he's going to the bathroom and walks out into the hallway. His wife follows quickly behind him. A few moments later, she returns to the desk. "He's laying on the floor in the hallway. He says he feels really light-headed. Is that normal?" The nurse says that he got up too quickly and he was supposed to lay down for a little bit, but he insisted on getting up. The wife insists, "can someone come out and see if he's okay?"

So, the nurse and the office administrator go out into the hallway with the wife. As soon as they leave the waiting room, I begin laughing out loud. I'm sorry, but it was like a scene from a movie. That never happens in real life. A few moments pass. I continue giggling to myself. John begins gnawing on his fingers. The nurse and office girl return, mumbling to themselves about the previous patient. John jokingly asks, "I'm not having what he's having, am I?" The nurse stops walking, turns around and pointedly replies, "Vasectomy?" John says, "yeah..." She looks at him and says, "yep!" and walks back into the office.

Needless to say, I thought that was pretty funny. No. I thought it was REALLY funny and I don't know how to express in words how great it was to see John nervous for the first time in a long time!

What happens when you send them to Grandma's...

In Native American cultures, the grandparents are entrusted with the responsibility of passing the tribe's values down to the next generation. We are so fortunate to have some really honorable and loving people as our children's grandparents. With that said, it is often easy to tell when the children have been with one of their grandparents. They do or say things they might not normally say...

Background: Carseats are Isabella's bane. They cause nothing but anger and resentment in her life. She didn't like the convertible carseat because it's 'for babies.' And once a child is 4 years and 40 pounds, she is supposed to move up to the booster car seat. This is even more of a challenge, though, because that means she has to reach the regular seat belt and buckle it herself. This has led to many times of me yelling at her to stop (insert stalling activity here: playing with her little plastic animals, taking off her shoes, putting on her shoes, putting on someone else's shoes, making goofy faces at Jackson, fighting with Liam, conjugating Spanish verbs...) and put on her buckle.

Today, she was actually sitting down and focusing on putting her seat belt on, but she was having a hard time.

Isabella: "Mmmmmmm! This is so frus-ter-a-ting!"

Kat: "Is it?"

Isabella: (ignoring me) "I know! I have to stop. breathe. and think. That's what I'm going to do." Silence. "Okay. That's better."

Um. Holy well-adjusted four year old, Batman.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Ghost of Hickey Babies Past

I'll have to post some new pictures of Jackson. I was trying to find a few pics of the other kids that looked a bit like Jackson. Anyone know who is who? Posted by Picasa

The End of an Age

We've made many transitions in our lives together, John and I. From friends and costars to "a couple", from a couple to parents, from parents of one to parents of two, to newlyweds, to the parents of three and then four, from Barberton, to Norton, to the Hoosier State. Some of these transitions were intentional, calculated and carefully planned. Others were a little more... shall we say, spontaneous?

This transition feels strange to me partly because the beginning of our childbearing years was a surprise. It was such an unexpected blessing in our lives. What a gift we have been given in this lifetime: effortless conceptions, healthy pregnancies, empowering births and amazing gurus for children. I love the path we have been taken down. I’m so glad it just happened, because I could never have imagined it would be like this. I would not have chosen this life without the universe’s intervention and I could have missed my calling.

John and I had always talked about having four children - more as a joke than an actual goal! After Isabella, we both thought maybe we could be done, but I had this nagging feeling that there was one more. When Isabella was just about a year old, I would hear a baby crying at night when all three children were sound asleep. Sometimes I would get everyone packed up in the car to go somewhere and feel like I was still missing someone. I would ask people how they "knew" they were done having babies. I wondered if having one more would satisfy that need for another baby - if that desire could ever be quenched. I desperately wanted this one last chance at mothering a baby, at giving birth one final time.

Selfishly, I wanted to have the "perfect" birth. Maddie's had been perfect. Isabella's was more difficult - more painful than Maddie's. Instead of getting my perfect birth with Jackson, I got a birth so difficult that it took me to the brink of impossibility. I had to surrender everything and call on a higher power for help. I was humbled. Apparently, it was just what I needed. I didn't need perfection, I needed to give in.

And now, the end of our childbearing years is so deliberate. I encouraged John to have the vasectomy. It's important to do it soon, too, while I still have a baby in my arms and no second thoughts. I know I don't want more than four children. There are already compromises I have to make. Our attention is divided between the four kids and any more would be too many for us. And I am ready to move forward in my life. Ready to use my talents to improve the world we've brought these children into. Ready to have time with just John - to put our relationship on the front burner and finally get that newlywed time we never got!

So, if you can, send some healing energy (and frozen peas, if you have any) to my husband this afternoon as we close this chapter of our lives and look forward to the wide world of possibility that opens up to us!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Every year, the kids have a VIP day at school. They can bring a grandparent, parent, or friend to school. This year, Grandma Dot came up for the day. She was Maddie's VIP, John was Liam's VIP and Jackson and I came along for fun.

Someone at school asked if I dressed my boys alike on purpose. They really look so much alike. Their mannerisms, their intensity. Especially, their cuteness!

The kids and their VIPs made a special piece of artwork. It was fun to watch everyone work together on a project.

It was really fun seeing the kids in their school environment. They are so comfortable there and they were so in their glory. They are really doing well at school and they love showing off their stuff.
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nineteen Weeks Old

The dude can sit up! He's mostly at a 45 degree angle, but it is good. He loves the fact that he can see the whole world from sitting. The only problem is that he's so excitable that if someone comes by and talks to him he gets really excited and spazzes out. Then, he falls over sideways or backwards.

Okay, so this is gratuitous cuteness. Love the hooded towel.

The baby loves this little dog. However, when he was done with it, it was so wet it felt like it came straight out of the washer.
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Friday, November 03, 2006

Quote of the Day

Maddie: "Mom! Why can't I get my ears pierced? WHY? Why can't I get my ears pierced like you... and Daddy?" (click here to see what she means...)

If you're thinking, "Hey, Lady, enough with the quotes - I'm just here to see pictures of that baby!" Click here to see the latest baby entry.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Eighteen Weeks Old

The little man is in denial that he's a baby. Sitting in the seat? No way. I'm on the move. I've got to go.

It is pretty cute how proud of himself he is, though!

He loves hanging out on his stomach. If I lay him down on his back, he immediately rolls over to his stomach! That's unusual for our babies. They usually prefer to lay on their backs.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ghoulish updates...

I have put in a few posts, including the Halloween photos. To follow the Halloween shots in order, scroll down to the "Halloween Morning" post and read up from there.

It has been brought to my attention that a few people have not been able to make comments. If you are having trouble getting Blogger to accept your comments, please let me know. Comments are very appreciated, otherwise Blogging can feel like talking to yourself... :)

The morning after...

My poor Isabella has a trick-or-treat hangover. I was opening the mail after we got home from picking her up from school. After about 20 minutes, I noticed that she was completely silent. That is usually not a good sign. She can be rather destructive when she is quiet. I looked up in her room and then up in Liam's room and did not find her. As I came back down the stairs, I saw her lying on the floor, asleep. If you click on the picture and look carefully, you'll notice that she fell asleep while eating a cracker - mid chew!
Oh, and yes. She did dress herself today. Posted by Picasa