Friday, November 06, 2009

Uh, TMI, Dude.

While snuggling in bed this morning...

Kat: "Jackson, are you still my baby?"

Jackson: "Yep. [long pause] But I don' suck on boobs anymore."

Monday, November 02, 2009

A Good little Fella

Bella stayed home sick today and we were running a few errands. Jackson and Bella were playing with a few figures in the back seat. I overhear something that doesn't sound quite right.

Jackson: [in a deep voice] "If you talk ta me, I kiwl you."

Kat: "Jackson!"

Jackson: [in a slightly higher, slightly softer voice] "If you talk ta me, I kiwl you."

I paused to hide my laughter. He noticed anyway.

Jackson: [in a much higher, much squeakier voice] "If you talk ta me, I kiiiiiiiiiiiiwl you."

Just figurin' out the rules, ma'am

Jackson bit Bella. After I recovered from the ear-piercing scream, I put Jackson in his room, mostly for his own safety. After a minute or two, he came out.

Jackson: "I weady to say I sowwy, mom."

Kat: "Jackson, you have to stop hurting people. If you bite Bella again, I'm going to put you to bed for the night."

Jackson: "An' I not come out?"

Kat: "Not for the whole night. It is *not* okay to hurt people."

He thought for a minute and I was rather proud of myself for really getting through to him.

Jackson: "Whad if I kick 'er?"

The time-space continuum is a tricky thing.

Thanks to the magic of Daylight Savings Time and parents that forgot to help her change the time on her alarm clock, Maddie came down at 5:30 am today. They usually get up at 6:30 for school.

Maddie: "It's 6:30! Why aren't you guys up?"

Kat: "No, it's 5:30. The time changed."

Maddie: "AGAIN?!?"