Wednesday, November 26, 2014

early morning musings with the dude

"Mama, when I have kids, I'm going to name them Calvin and Hobbes."

"Our family is a girl sandwich."

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Things only drummers say #1

Liam: "Dad, are you packed?"
John: "Yep. You?"
Liam: "Yeah.  I just threw everything in my cajon."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

even my seven year old understands evidence-based care...

My cousin just gave birth to her second baby.  Jackson had some questions this morning about pregnancy.  He wanted to know how the belly got that big.  Did it just happen one day while the mama was sleeping?  I told him about nine months of gestation, how the baby grows just a little each day. 

Kat: "One day, the baby decides he or she is all done inside and begins labor."

Jackson: "How does the baby decide it's time?"

Kat: "We don't really understand it.  Doctors have been trying to figure it out for years."

Jackson: "Well, maybe they should just leave that to the scientists to figure out."

Thursday, January 02, 2014

I get by with a little help...

I am grateful that I am part of a supportive community of birth professionals.  there are not many people who would lend me their blender knowing what I planned to do with it.  thanks, Kristin. #365gratitude

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

beginning the year with gratitude

today I begin a #365gratitude project.

instead of feeling like I am ready to bid good riddance to 2013, I feel strangely fond of it.  I learned so much.  much through pain and tears, yes.  but so much.  I feel that the next step is to embrace this intentional practice of gratitude.  let the fun begin.