Thursday, March 07, 2013

This kid may have a little competitive streak

Jackson and I were talking about getting him adjusted.  He's battling a little cold/congestion and an adjustment always helps him get over it faster.  I had planned to take him right after school to Dr. Harkenrider, our chiropractor who does muscle testing.  It's helpful to figure out exactly what supplements the kids are calling for to help them heal faster.  Because of the kids' pick up schedule this afternoon, though, we just couldn't fit it in.  I mentioned to him that maybe we could ask Dr. Heath if he had time to adjust Jackson later.  He thought about this for a few minutes and then randomly said:

Jackson: "Woudn't it be funny if Dr. Harknrider and Dr. Heaf had a face off to see who waz a better chiroprackter?"

Not sure he gets it

Jackson: "Didjou and Daddy go to the same skool?"

Kat: "No.  But our schools were close together."

Jackson: "How far apart?  Like me and Maddie's skool?"

Kat: "No, just a little farther than that.  About 10 minutes apart."

Jackson: "Did Daddy and Uncle Sean go to school togever?"

Kat: "Yes, they went to the same school?"

Jackson: "Did dey know each'over before dey went to skool togever?"