Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's hard to be four, but even harder to be almost four!

Grandma and Grandpa Hickey came into town to celebrate the Fourth and Isabella's "fourth" birthday with us. We did cake and ice cream on Tuesday and she opened her presents from Grandma and Grandpa, Jen and Sean, Grandma Laury and Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Beef. (see pictures below) She had great fun.

This morning, she woke up and eagerly came down the stairs.

Isabella: "Mom, how old am I?"

Kat: "You're three. Well, three and a half."

She instantly folded her arms, turned her body away from me and began to pout. I was confused.

Kat: "Isabella, what's wrong?"

Isabella: "I thought I was four."

Kat: "No, honey. We opened presents yesterday because Grandma and Grandpa were here. You'll be four tomorrow."

Isabella stormed out of the room and stood in a corner in the living room.

Isabella: "I'm going up to my room and I'm not coming out until I'm FOUR!"


Anonymous said...

I am a high school classmate of "Grandma Dot." We don't see each other very often, but we love sharing Grandma stories, pictures and news via e-mail. She sent me the link to your family blog and it is terrific. I have not seen pictures of Liam, Maddie or Isabella for awhile so it's like visiting old friends to see them growing up here. Of course, congratulations on the arrival of Jackson. Hope you are all well and happy. Thanks for sharing your family with us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kat!

I heard you were visiting Maxim. Could you please e-mail me your address? My e-mail is I miss you guys. Congratulations!
