Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Very Last Day

Maddie and Liam on the first day of school

Maddie and Liam on the last day of school

Today is the last day of school. I loved having them in the same class together this year. Not something I want for them every year, but for this year, I liked it. They barely noticed that they were in the same class: they found their own way and carved out their own niche. I just liked hearing tales of their day - the same experiences - from two different perspectives. Maddie was always first to report who was cranky at Liam or what he got yelled at about. Liam was more likely to tell a slightly exaggerated story about how fantastic something that he did was. Occasionally, we did get the odd story about Maddie and how she *loves* Georgie.

As I look at the pictures, there is something intangible gained in the last nine months. They have aged and matured. They look more confident, more secure with their own styles. It was hard for us to decide to change schools, but they are so ready for bigger and better things. The mind swims with the possibilities.

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