Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

Today was the big first day of school. All three kids are going to different schools: a Montessori magnet public school for Liam, a fine arts/performing arts magnet public school for Maddie and an arts/Reggio Emilia magnet public school for Bella. We had to apply for the lottery to get them in each school and it felt a little crazy to apply for them to go to three different schools. The alternative, though, was to send Maddie and Liam to the same school - the Montessori school would have been great for both, but really wouldn't have served Maddie's needs for arts. As far as sending them both to Maddie's school - Liam's enjoyment and success in school would have suffered too much in a traditional classroom, so that wasn't an option. Bella's easy - I could send her anywhere, but where she is going is so perfect for her - minimal academics with a focus on play and imagination. What kindergarten is SUPPOSED to be!

I always have to show a picture of "that child left behind" on the first day of school. He's thrilled to have all the toys... and the water softener salt... to himself.

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