Thursday, May 07, 2009


Jackson's developing a funny little personality. For a long time, he was just charming. If he didn't agree with something I said, we could discuss it civilly. Then, we went on the cruise and he lost his mind. After a week or so of reigning him back in, I'm really pleased that it was only temporary insanity. Even still, he is headed into the "threes" and he is just a little spicier than he used to be.

Yesterday, I stopped and got him a snack when we were running errands.

Kat: "Jackson, can I have one of your crackers?"
Jackson, without hesitation: "Nope."
Kat: "May I please have one of your crackers?"
Jackson: "No sanks."
Kat: "Why not?"
Jackson, pointing to the wrapper: "Wite dere. It sez 'not for mama'."

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