Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Random Jackson-isms

Bleary-eyed Jackson comes stumbling down from upstairs and gives me a hug. He leans in and says dreamily, "I wuv you, my onwy mama. Fank you for giving birf to me."

Jackson: "Mama? Can you teach me a song on da you-ka-layle? But it has ta be da Easiest Song in da Worwd 'cause I can onwy pway A minor an' C."

Jackson comes into the bathroom while I'm getting ready.

Jackson [with a quiet desperation]: "maaaaama? my parfait is taunting me." Kat: "Um? How is your parfait taunting you?"
Jackson: "It wooks soooo dewicious, but I can't eat it 'cause it's for my wunch."

On the drive to school, I was listening to the same song for about the hundredth time.

Jackson: "Haven't we wistened to dis song a wot?"

Kat: "Yes. I'm trying to learn it so that I can sing it with Daddy. You want to sing Daddy's part?"

Jackson: "Ummmmm, no. It's a wittle too compwicated for me."

Kat: "Yeah, you're right. It is a complicated song."

Jackson: "And, some of de words he's singin', I don't even know about!"

Jackson: "Mama? Know why I'm so 'cited?"

Kat: "No, why are you so excited?"

Jackson: "I can't *wait* for winter! I'm gonna make a snowman!"

Kat: "Um, Jackson, this is the end of winter."

Jackson: "What!?! But, it din't snow! I din't go swedding! I wanna buiwd a igloo!" [wail]

The Dude doing his best Elvis Costello

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