Saturday, October 04, 2008

We are in such trouble...

We were at the soccer game today. Liam and Maddie are on the same team. After many seasons of them playing on separate teams with hours in between their games, we are so thrilled to be able to watch them in the game together. Today, I was almost in tears. Maddie was playing defense and Liam was playing offense. Maddie kicked the ball away from the other team headed toward the goal and passed it up to Liam who took it and dribbled up the sideline. Not only were they on the field together, they were actually working together! It was my best day!

They both sat out the second quarter and John headed to the "snack shack" for some hot chocolate. He got back with two hot chocolates. Bella, Jackson and I all looked at each other. So, I asked Bella to walk back over to the shack for an extra cup and lid. She obliged and came skipping back.

Bella: "Mom, they were so nice there! They gave me the cup AND the lid and they didn't even make me pay them money. I think it might be because I'm so adorable and I can pretty much get whatever I want."

How do you argue with that?

We're screwed.

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