Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Gross anatomy

Jackson seems to have a little bit of a stomach bug. I thought initially he ate too much Indian food. I picked him up today and buckled him in the car.

Kat: "How's your belly feel?"

Jackson: "It feews yuckeee."

Kat: "Awwww. It does?"

Jackson: "Missaddie sez dat I hab dia... dia... a poop diary."

At school today, Jackson asked his teacher if she has heard of "Golddigger". (The kids absolutely love the version of Golddigger from the Glee soundtrack.) Addie hadn't heard of it. Her husband came in and he hadn't really heard of it either. They looked it up on iTunes and found it.

Addie (to her husband): "It's not by Kanye West, is it? It can't be by Kanye West."

Jackson: "NO! It's by Gwee! It's by Gwee!"

Addie scrolled down and saw the version of "Golddigger" by the Glee Cast. She was amazed. She said that she couldn't believe that she was being introduced to new music by a three year old. She downloaded it and played it for the kids. They begged for her to play it again while they decorated their Christmas cookies. The kids danced and bopped their heads. Jackson, at one point, put his hand behind his head and broke out the half-sprinkler move. That's my boy. Livin' the thug life.

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