Saturday, September 23, 2006

Soccer Saturday - Week Three

This weekend held a visit from Grandpa Ken to help us celebrate Maddie's birthday. I finally get a picture of Jackson with his namesake!

Grandpa couldn't wait to see Isabella play soccer. He was rewarded with the show of all shows - Isabella asked the coach if she could play goalie. John recalls it as the most stressful experience of his life.

This is Isabella yelling at John: "What, Daddy? Why are you yelling at me?" How HUGE are those goalie gloves?

The kids really loved having Grandpa in for the weekend. Grandpa definitely hasn't lost "the touch" with our babies. He can still settle the fussiest baby with just a little fresh air and the leaves on the trees. No one can cry through "the walk" with Grandpa! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Ken - I love you! You know that! But really...How short are those shorts ?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Fashion is and always will be cyclical. Soon millions of people all over the globe will be wearing Daisy Dukes. And knee high tube socks with stripes. And Fu Manchu moustaches. Well maybe not the Fu Manchus, but Daisy Dukes for sure.