Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Back online....

It's sad. I hate to admit it, really. I haven't written in the blog for over two weeks and I have only one excuse. And it's not even a very good one. Here it is: TV is really good this season. Seriously! That's all I've got! Arrested Development, Kitchen Confidential, My Name is Earl, Medium, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Alias... I could go on and on. There's even shows I don't have time to watch and wish I could! Alias and Smallville are on at the same time and Lost and Veronica Mars are on at the same time! And I keep hearing about Commander-in-Chief from someone (you know who you are) and I know there's other things out there that are good. Enough. Really. I'm embarassed. I am not a TV freak, but I have just gotten out of control these last two weeks. I must refocus. So, here we go.

I got a call from the neighbor yesterday. I don't think she's ever called before, so I just assumed one of the kids did something inappropriate. Here's how it went:

Francine: "Hi, Kat, this is Francine*."
*name changed to protect the innocent

Kat: "Hi, Francine. What's up?"

Francine: "Well... I was just wondering how you've been feeling."

Kat: "Ummmm... I feel great. Why do you ask?"

Francine: "Well, a little birdie told me that you were going to have a baby!"

Kat: "Um. Not that I know of."

Francine: "Oh! Well, Isabella** was just over here and she was just chatting away and she said something about you having a baby really soon. I knew it couldn't be really soon, but I thought you might be expecting."
**name NOT changed to protect the not-so-innocent

Kat: "Nope. Unless Isabella knows something I don't. We're not really in the market for another baby right now."

Francine: "Well, I just thought I'd ask. You never know what's truth out of all the stuff the kids in the neighborhood say!"

So. I had to get to the bottom of this, of course. Later, Isabella comes in from playing.

Kat: "Isabella, were you talking to Shelly's* mom?"
*again, name changed to protect the innocent

Isabella: "Yep."

Kat: "Were you telling her stories?"

Isabella: "Nope."

Kat: (getting to the point) "Did you tell Shelly's mom that we're having a baby?"

Isabella: (excited) "Yeah! We're having a baby soon!"

Kat: "Isabella! We're not having a baby!"

Isabella: "Well, not yet."

Kat: "When, then?"

Isabella: (smiling) "When you grow up!"


Anonymous said...

Kat, if you haven't seen the first season of Veronica Mars, you should totally grab the DVD. It's really, really great. You'd love it.

Anonymous said...

Isabella seems like a really cute and funny young lady. :)