Thursday, October 12, 2006

Blog? I have a BLOG?

I have no good excuses for my long absence from the blog world. As each day passed, the many things I wanted to blog about and pictures I wanted to post piled up. So, I set my goal this week to put up one or two shots a week of Jackson, and then fill in the anecdotes of the other kids after that. So, keep checking for updates, and don't forget to look back as far as the middle of August (when I last really made a regular post!) And to tide you over for current photos - here's one from today...
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1 comment:

Bunnie said...

I know this feeling...I keep wanting to post things, but by the time I have a few minutes to sit in front of the computer, I've either lost the inspiration, or I'm just too darn tired! Good to see you around again!